Published in the journal: Listy klinické logopedie 2024; 8(1): 3
Category: Editorial

Dear readers,

Welcome to the new issue of (y)our Listy klinické logopedie journal, this time without a main theme, so the articles brought to you cover a broad range of topics. The next issue will once again be thematically focused, namely on the issue of early intervention, which you had voted for on our Facebook profile. We had an exciting time expectantly waiting to see how your votes on favoured reading topics would go. What if you chose one that we couldn’t amply feature? Yet, waiting doesn’t have to be trepidation-filled inactivity, like waiting for a letter that will decide your future, you can get on with things. And so, while you were deciding on the theme of the December issue, we filled out a request to register our journal in other international journal databases. It was an arduous process, uncertain, lasting several months; and we are still awaiting the outcome… Keep your fingers crossed, because being listed in these databases means – among other things – prestige for the journal and its contributing authors, and for you, our readers, a host of new research published on our website.

Waiting is thus not only a feature of this issue, but also a symbol of the prospective issue, because patiently biding time is one of the therapeutic techniques of early intervention. It may seem to be the easiest technique, but for many therapists it is often one of the most demanding.

We wish you a pleasant read and time awaiting all the good things that lie ahead.

On behalf of the LKL editorial team

Zuzana Lebedová


Překlad editorialu do angličtiny: Václav Pinkava

Logopedie Praktické lékařství pro děti a dorost

Článek vyšel v časopise

Listy klinické logopedie

Číslo 1

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